Exploration of Novel Chemical Reaction Pathways and Dynamics
This award symposium honors Richard Loomis, professor of chemistry and winner of the American Chemical Society's 2020 Saint Louis Award. The award, originally sponsored by the Monsanto Company (now Bayer) and administered by the Saint Louis Section–ACS, is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the profession of chemistry and demonstrated potential to further the advancement of the chemical profession. Loomis selected the following panel of scientists with achievements in closely related areas to speak in this award symposium, which, due to constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, had been postponed until now.
12:40 pm (CST)
Welcome and General Introduction
Dr. Samina Azad – PLZ Aeroscience Corporation – Chair Elect of the St. Louis Section, American Chemical Society
12:50 pm
Introduction and Salute to Dr. Loomis
Dr. Sophia E. Hayes – Professor, Department of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis – Immediate past chair of the St. Louis Section and Symposium Chair
1:00 – 1:45 pm
"Surface Chemistry of 2D CdSe Nanocrystals"
Dr. William E. Buhro – Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, George E. Pake Professor in Arts & Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
1:55 – 2:40 pm
"Making Gold Shine: Ultrafast Optical Control Over Hot Electron Dynamics in Nanoplasmonic Systems"
Dr. David J. Nesbitt – Professor and Fellow of JILA, University of Colorado Boulder and NIST
2:50 – 3:35 pm
"Spectroscopic and Dynamical Probes of Alkene Ozonolysis Reaction Pathways"
Dr. Marsha I. Lester – Professor, Department of Chemistry, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor in Arts & Science, University of Pennsylvania
3:45 – 4:00 pm
4:00 – 4:45 pm
"X-ray Electron Dynamics: From Molecules to Solids"
Dr. Stephen R. Leone – Professor of Chemistry and Physics, John R. Thomas Endowed Chair of Physical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
5:00 – 5:50 pm
"Using Gen Chem to Identify Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanostructures"
Dr. Richard A. Loomis – Professor, Department of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis, Awardee
For more information contact the St. Louis Section ACS Award Coordinator: John Taylor at taylor@wustl.edu
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