Graduate Student Docusign


All Chemistry Ph.D. students should take at least six graduate courses (400 level or higher) at Washington University prior to qualifying for dissertation status, ³72credits. At least four of these graduate courses must be in the area of the student’s thesis research, and at least two of these graduate courses should be outside of a student’s research area. Any of these courses can be taken outside of the Chemistry Department, such as in the Biology or Physics Departments or in the Schools of Engineering or Medicine. The student’s thesis advisor and the student’s Ph.D. advisory committee must approve the courses as in or out of area, and a coursework form indicating completion of the course work requirement must be submitted to the graduate coordinator prior to the end of a student’s second year in residence.

Coursework Form


Teaching Requirement

It is an academic requirement that all Chemistry PhD students must participate in AI instruction for four semesters, usually within the first two years of residence in the program. In all AI assignments, a student’s performance is required to be of sufficiently high quality to be deemed acceptable by the faculty.

Teaching Requirement Form


Notice of Title, Scope, & Procedure

This form must be completed by the student, approved as indicated, and returned to the Graduate School at least six months before the month in which the degree is expected to be conferred (August, December, or May).

Notice of Title, Scope, & Procedure Form


Defense Committee

This form must be approved at least 15 days prior to the oral examination of the dissertation. Failure to receive approval in a timely manner may result in a delay of the dissertation defense.

Defense Committee Form



This form must be filled out if you are leaving the Ph.D. program.  This includes leaving the department with an A.M. degree or moving to the Med School. 

Withdrawal From


Thesis Advisory Committee Request From

The student in consultation with his/her advisor will propose a thesis advisory committee (TAC), made up of the research advisor and two additional faculty members. The chair of the TAC must be a tenured or tenure-track faculty member from the Chemistry Department, but the chair cannot be the student’s thesis advisor. At least two of the committee members must be tenured or tenure-track faculty from the Chemistry.  Department. Additional members to the committee are permitted, especially when these members may provide valuable feedback and insights that will aid the progress of the student. Additional members are permitted on the annual thesis committee, but additional members must have a doctoral degree and an active research program, whether at Washington University, at another university, in government, or in industry. The GWC will approve all TACs, and some effort will be made to minimize the overburden of committee assignments for the faculty members. It is important to emphasize that the thesis advisor should try to limit his/her contributions during a student’s annual progress committee meetings as it is the student’s presentation, and committee is trying to evaluate the student’s progress and understanding of the material.