Kevin Moeller, professor of chemistry, will receive a 2020 Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award for excellence in organic chemistry. The Cope Scholar Award is a national award sponsored by the Arthur C. Cope Fund and administered by the American Chemical Society. It is awarded to only ten recipients each year.
The award recognizes the career achievements of Moeller and his group, specifically their contributions to the use of electrochemistry as a tool for organic synthesis. “The recognition of electrochemistry is especially important. For many years, we were not considered a mainstream organic chemistry group because of our area,” Moeller said. “Our winning this award makes it clear that has changed.” Moeller also noted that the award affirms the value of his group’s work and encourages them to keep going with their pioneering efforts in electrochemistry.
The award includes an honorarium, which Moeller will use to support student travel to the ACS national meeting in San Francisco, and a $40,000 unrestricted research grant.
Moeller also received an ACS Midwest Award earlier this year.