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Careers in Chemistry Series

Strong evidence found for new light isotope of nitrogen

Wexler, Sinclair, and Lunde selected as TRIADS Seed Grant recipients

An alternate route to semiconductor production

Sadtler lab opens sash for high school teacher

Sugar metabolism is surprisingly conventional in cancer
Interlocking rings unlock new material properties

Novel particle detector used to study alternate path to carbon creation in stars

Environmental researchers celebrate Earth Month all year

Fournier wins Flygare Award

Chemists develop new footprinting technique for proteins in living systems

MSN News: Scientists create never-before-seen isotope of magnesium

Scientists detect world’s lightest magnesium

Remembering David Sloop

Addressing atmospheric pollution, chemists develop new catalyst for converting carbon dioxide into fuel

IMSE acquires new facility for fabricating nanomaterials

ISP helps teachers bring university research to life in classrooms

Physicist Mukherji awarded $1.97 million to study cellular design

A new way to deliver vaccines to the elderly without inflammation

Washington University collaborates with Agilent, Merck to expand metabolomics research

Cancer has ripple effect on distant tissues

The art of paper cutting becomes the science of wearable devices

Rust-infused carbon cloth presents new possibilities in portable electronics

Researchers observe new isotope of fluorine

Jackrel Lab tackles new vaccine technology for elderly populations

A recipe for protein footprinting

Finding Genius (Podcast): Another energy source in the wall

Scientific American: Bricks can be turned into batteries

Barnes Lab streamlines synthesis of molecular chains

Looking skin deep at the growth of neutron stars

Storing energy in red bricks

Turning rust into supercapacitors

Patti Lab awarded NIH grant for COVID-19 research

Antibiotic-destroying genes widespread in bacteria in soil and on people

Cutting-edge computing paves way to future of NMR spectroscopy

Carbon conundrum: Experiment aims to re-create synthesis of key element

Scientists sculpt nanoparticle shells with light

Walking the wire: Real-time imaging helps reveal active sites of photocatalysts

Sobotka and Charity receive grant for nuclear research

A day in the lab

A drugstore solution for synthesizing stable semiconducting polymers

Switching tracks: Reversing electrons’ course through nature’s solar cells

D'Arcy Lab wins 2019 LEAP funding

New photo-responsive hydrogels developed with eye on biomedical applications

Tolman Lab bolstered by $20 million grant renewal awarded to NSF Center for Sustainable Polymers

Wencewicz Lab maps enzyme that could drive new class of antibiotics

Jackrel Lab discovers new use for protein disaggregases in combating disease

Gary Patti celebrates 10 years of the Agilent Early Career Professor Award

Center for Quantum Sensors includes collaborators from chemistry

D'Arcy Lab creates durable new energy storage device

'Featherweight oxygen' discovery opens window on nuclear symmetry

New Software for Drug Companies to Make Drugs Cheaper, Faster, and Better